Frequently Asked Questions

How do I wash vinyl siding?

Wash vinyl siding with a soft cloth or ordinary long-handled, soft bristle brush. For textured surfaces, use only a soft bristle brush to keep the grooves in the texture stain-free. For best results, start at the bottom of the house and work upwards, but always at eye-level. Then, rinse the cleaning solution completely before it dries. If your house has brick facing, cover the brick so that it is not affected by the runoff.

Can I use a power washer?

Yes, although you should read the washer instructions carefully before use. When cleaning, hold the power washer straight at eye-level to keep the water on top of the siding where it can clean most effectively. Do not aim the power washer upward as water may be driven behind the siding. You should also follow the siding manufacturer’s recommendations. Some manufacturers do not want pressure washers used on their products at all. Others will allow them but have limitations on the amount of pressure and the cleaners that can be used. Most will caution against the use of pressure washers around any opening in the wall, such as windows, doors, electrical wiring, and plumbing.

How do I remove mold and mildew?

You can remove small spots of mold and mildew with cleaners such as Fantastik® or Windex®. For larger sections, a solution of vinegar (30%) and water (70%) has proven successful. Alternatively, you also could try the following solution: 1/3 cup (2 2/3 ounces) powdered laundry detergent (e.g., Tide®, Fab®, or equivalent), 2/3 cup (5 1/3 ounces) powdered household cleaner (e.g., Spic & Span®, Soilax®, or equivalent), 1 quart (32 fluid ounces) liquid laundry bleach, and 1 gallon (128 fluid ounces) of water.

What types of cleaners should I use for other stains?

Be sure to spot check any general or stain-specific cleaner before using it on a large section of siding. After removing the stain, rinse thoroughly with water. Do not use cleaners containing organic solvents, undiluted chlorine bleach, liquid grease remover, nail polish remover, or furniture polish or cleaners. They can affect the surface and longevity of the siding.

Isn't it less costly to just repaint my home?

If you plan to move within the next three years, the answer is probably yes. But if you plan to stay in your home longer than that, the calculations begin to heavily favor vinyl siding.

Are there any other materials that are better than vinyl?

Not when it comes to siding. Vinyl siding's outstanding features and benefits have made it the most popular siding material in America today. And because vinyl is the preferred siding for more and more homeowners, it retains most of its installed cost.

How does the cost of vinyl siding compare to the added resale value it provides?

In terms of adding resale value to your home, vinyl siding is one of the best investments you can make. In its annual survey of project cost versus added value, Remodeling magazine said that "the highest payback comes from projects that give an older home the same features that have become standard in new homes.